Day-Long Program: ₩1,200,000
Short Program: ₩400,000 / 2 Hours
Performance Coaching: ₩200,000 / 2 Hours
(Negotiable, and Travel Expenses Pending)
All programs are suitable for middle school students and older.
A: BASIC Work with one group of students (24 or fewer) for the entire day.
B: INTENSIVE Work with multiple groups of students (24 or fewer per group) for the day.
Six to eight class periods constitutes one day. Each class period is forty-five (45) or fifty (50) minutes, depending upon the school’s curriculum.
Hour One: Introduction to Seoul Shakespeare Company
The teachers introduce themselves, perform some Shakespeare for the students to set an example, and lecture on the history of Shakespeare and why we still perform his plays. Students are given time to introduce themselves and are encouraged to state what they would like to achieve in the day’s workshop.
Hour Two: Let’s Get on Our Feet
Depending on the space available, the teachers guide the students through a vocal and physical warm-up and then teach basic theatre skills such as projecting one’s voice, proper (or improper) posture, how to be seen on the stage, and so on. The parts of the stage itself are explained along with how they are used.
Hour Three: Iambic Pentameter, Poetry, and Movement
The teachers teach and demonstrate Iambic Pentameter. Students are given a short monologue and practice the script by walking about the space with the guidance of the teachers. An emphasis is placed not so much on the words themselves but on how Shakespeare’s intentions are communicated via the punctuation he chose.
Hour Four: Speaking Shakespeare, Then and Now
The teachers lecture for a short time on the words that Shakespeare commonly uses (including words that he invented) along with how this language differs from modern English. Students are given opportunities to practice speaking this language, and the hour ends with a game that requires translating from modern English to Elizabethan English.
Hours Five and Six: Shakespeare in Action
The basics are communicated with an emphasis on safety. The teachers demonstrate the rudiments such as safe distance and unsafe distance, how to “sell” a routine, and how to perform “naps”. Students, supervised by teachers, are given the chance to try it all out for themselves. A short, safe combat sequence (like a dance) is taught and then rehearsed and performed by students.
Hours Seven and Eight: Interpreting Shakespeare
Students are given a short scene between two characters (age, gender, and so on does not matter) and choose partners. After some instruction from the teachers, students rehearse their scene together. Teachers offer pointers and other help throughout. Students then perform their scene for the group. Each pair of students will have a completely different interpretation of the scene. This is to be encouraged, because having different interpretations of Shakespeare is normal and even celebrated.
Teachers work in one- or two-hour blocks with a group of students. One hour is either forty-five (45) or fifty (50) minutes, depending upon the school’s curriculum.
Any or all of the following can be included.
Shakespeare History: Elizabethan England and why Shakespeare is performed today
A Short Shakespeare Performance: teachers demonstrate scene(s) from a play
Basic Acting Skills: voice usage, posture, parts of the stage, and so on
Speaking Shakespeare’s Language: Elizabethan English and Shakespeare’s tools
Iambic Pentameter: how to understand and work with this poetry in motion
Stage Combat: basic and safe hand-to-hand combat in addition to swordplay
Partner or Scene Work: students explore acting a scene
Teachers come with a two-hour program prepared. The two hours include:
Shakespeare History: Elizabethan England and why Shakespeare is still performed
A Short Shakespeare Performance: teachers demonstrate from a play
Speaking Shakespeare’s Language: Elizabethan English and Shakespeare’s tricks
Iambic Pentameter: how to understand and work with this poetry in motion
Seoul Shakespeare Company is happy to help coach a school’s performance of a Shakespeare play. The coaching includes:
Individual and Group Coaching
Language and Pronunciation Coaching
Poetry and Performance Coaching
Assistance with Period Costuming and Culture
Stage Combat Choreography
The price for coaching is very much negotiable since every coaching opportunity presents unique challenges and goals.